Happy Halloweenie time
to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well it’s that time of year again. Ghosts and goblins coming up this weekend followed by a big turkey next month and a jolly old fellow in a red suit the next. It’s also that time of year when it’s starting to get cold here at a mile high. I’ve started to cut wood and stock up the wood box for Red Dog Lil so she and Kitty Kat can stay warm. This week the forecast is for the temps to dip to the low 30’s by morning. Let’s start off with the ghosts and goblins. Since the last weekend in July we’ve had three ghost research teams up here and they are happy with what they have been finding. What they have found or should I say confirmed is that we have spirits here in Gold Point and not just in bottles on the back bar. They’ve found activity in the saloon and Stone’s cabin but most of the activity is in the old Post Office/General Store. They set their equipment up in the post office and saloon and leave it there all night long. It then takes them days and weeks to study the footage and listen to their bat microphone recordings. What they’ve found so far between all of them is very interesting. They’ve caught what seem to be voices a few times. What photos they’ve sent us from their footage is most remarkable. They caught what seems to be several figures standing in the general store in a doorway. As they stared at the film they noticed figures moving across the room. Another team caught a face with their infrared camera. The most interesting of all photos shows what appears to be a doll complete with legs, arms, torso and head standing on one of the tables on the porch outside the saloon. Our researchers believe there are children that come out to play at night. The doll is probably theirs. Most of the activity seems to happen after midnight. Since it takes hours and hours to study it will probably be a while before I can tell you anymore. Believe or don’t believe. If you’re interested in seeing the doll and face just write us back and I’ll e-mail a copy of the pics to you. I never attach anything to our newsletters. We just received our shipment of coffee mugs from Fred in Oatman, Arizona. If anyone is interested in purchasing mugs just go to our website at www.goldpointghosttown.com and go to the mercantile page to place your order. T-shirts, hats, the Gold Point music album and the Gold Point book is also available in case you’re looking for something for that hard to please person for Christmas gifts. Lol. My photo album has now passed 114 pounds. Since I’m not working in Vegas because there isn’t a job to be found I will have more time to add to that poundage. As of October 15th we have stopped collecting recipes for the Gold Point cook book. Sue is now in the process of putting it together and hopes to have it to the printer soon and available before Christmas. I have even put in Sheriff Stone’s famous recipe for hot water and its many uses. You should plan on purchasing a copy just for that recipe alone!! I’m not sure how many recipes are going to be in it but I believe Sue was shooting for around 200. I will put out a special notice as soon as she tells me their ready. Thanks to Stranger and his friend Jethro we have the first stage of roofing on the Bunny Hutch. For those who are new to Gold Point, the Bunny Hutch is not a building for raising Jackalopes but is another cabin we are working on bringing back to life. They put on 30# black tar paper and then covered that with 3/8 plywood. This will protect the inside from getting worse from the rains and snow. Later on we will put on 2 x 8 rafters on top of that and fill with insulation. Then another layer of plywood, tarpaper, and then the final roof of rolled gravel roofing and eventually cedar shingles. I wanted to keep the original open ceiling inside but still had to insulate so we came up with this plan. Thanks to another friend, Rodney, we have a lot of 4 x 2’s to work with. Rodney donated a whole unit of 4 x 2’s last month. Gobble, gobble, oink, oink. It’s almost time for a nice big turkey and honey ham dinner with all the fixins here at Gold Point. What are the fixins you ask?? The rest of the menu is mashed spuds, yams, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, deviled eggs, coleslaw, assorted pies, cranberry sauce, chips and dips and veggie sticks and dips. That should be enough to fill you up. We are still planning on doing our annual day after thanksgiving dinner in the saloon November 26th around 2 p.m. for $15.00 per hungry person. We have cabins and rv spaces still available. Please let us know if you’re coming so we can make sure we have plenty of food. Last year we had 38 hungry eaters. Have any of you given much thought about what you’re going to do when the world ends Friday December 21, 2012?? Think about spending your last night in Gold Point. We are thinking of having an End of the World Party here. That’s the Friday before Christmas weekend. I know it’s still two years away but it’s never too early to make plans for the end of days. If the Myan gods disappoint us and we survive we will have all weekend to party and rejoice!! We would like to hear from those interested to see if we should go ahead with this. A couple of months ago we finally bought a vhs/dvd dubber dude machine. We’ve been transferring all our vhs onto dvd from when I was an innocent child through the early years of Gold Point. This could be interesting to you because if anyone is interested I would be happy to make you a dvd copy of some of old Gold Point happenings. 1987 Wiley Days July 4th party showing the saloon building being only 24 ft long. Today It’s 110 feet. Only a couple dozen friends at this one. Long with some slow spots you can fast forward through. 1988 Wiley Days party which shows how Sheriff Stone, yours truly, got his stage name towards the end. This is also the first year we had a band. Twice as many friends as the year before. Long with some slow spots you can fast forward through. 1989 showing the first year we had the Blue Canyon Gang here to entertain our guests. This one is edited by our friend R.D. Little. It shows another friend, Susan, playing Barbara Walters, interviewing Sheriff Stone about 1 in the morning after getting back from Vegas getting supplies for the weekend. Then it shows everyone having fun and some shootouts. Towards the end Sheriff Stone has a big shootout to clean up the bad guys and make Gold Point safe for everyone. It has a funny surprise in the skit. The party is growing with almost 100 at this year’s event. I thinks it’s less than 30 minutes. 1991 Gold Point Ghost Town—A Time and Place not Forgotten. This is a 2 hour edited epic which seems to go by quickly. Several shootouts and various goings on during the weekend with a very patriotic flag ceremony ending with Abraham Lincoln giving a speech. Hundreds of guests showed up for this party but still only about half of what we get today for our memorial day weekend chili cook-off. Red Dog Lil had some movies also. One of them was filmed at Cal Expo in the early eighties at their town set they built called Nowhere. The Blue Canyon Gang of Sacramento are the only stars in this one. It’s about 20 minutes I think. This week we are going down to Sacramento for my parents 60th anniversary. While down there we are getting an external gismo for the computer to make copies quickly. We will be happy to make a copy of any of the above if you are interested. You can keep the copy, make copies for your friends, or send it back to us. You can send a small donation if you like to help with costs. We just want you to enjoy Gold Point. Maybe someday you’ll finally get here but in the meantime you’ll be able to see us on tv. Just gives us your address and choice or choices. Then make a big bowl of popcorn and enjoy. Depending on the response for requests it may take few weeks to get them to you. Since I can’t think of anything else to tell you I guess it’s time for more “tales from the not so old west” April 22, 1908 Goldfield Daily Tribune Vol. 2 no. 212 Wednesday “Hornsilver leases. For a few choice leases on Lime Point G.M. & M. Co ground, ore already opened up; also stock proposition for the party having machinery to put on shaft 250 deep, see N.B. Robinson Vice President and General Manager, Box 270, Residence 209 South Franklin Street. April 23, 1908 Goldfield Daily Tribune Vol. 2 no. 213 Thursday “Phone to Hornsilver to open Saturday. New camp to the South is beginning to put on real metropolitan airs. That new wonder, Hornsilver, located thirty miles south of here, at Lime Point. Is already putting on metropolitan airs. The telephone line will reach the camp by Saturday. This line has already been extended nine miles from Cuprite. It is being put in by an independent company. A survey has also been made to the lines of the Nevada-California Power company of the distance to the town. The juice can be served to the camp in thirty days at a cost of $6,000 for the construction of the line, which will have to be footed up by the Hornsilver people. Yesterday several outfits went to the new camp, and all were loaded with commodities. Today four separate outfits will leave, for the purpose of looking into the merits of the camp, and with the object of leasing or the outright purchase of mining ground.” May 1, 1908 Goldfield Daily Tribune Vol. 2 no 221 Friday “Hornsilver Town is busy with building. Lots jumping in value each day and people continue to rush into district. Special to the Tribune. Hornsilver, April 30. Hornsilver is advancing rapidly and assuming the proportions of a town to a marked degree. Some 12 or 15 buildings of surfaced pine are in course of rapid construction, while tent houses are being built in all directions. Lots that sold ten days ago at $75 are now brining from $350 to $750, and trading is active. The prediction is freely that within the next thirty days the town will have grown to 2,000 population. The Union bakery is installing a plant here which is highly appreciated, as bread is generally in demand by prospectors and citizens. People are coming in by autos, stages, buggies, horseback and on foot, and every day adds numerous new faces to the citizenship. Each day greatly augments the mail, and a post office will facilitate business to a marked degree. The town will very soon be provided with a justice court and the necessary officers. Assays were received yesterday by Scott and Zimmerman, operating near Hornsilver, of $50.74 to the ton. They plan extensive development work.” May 2, 1908 Goldfield Daily Tribune Vol. 2 no. 222 Saturday “Rush to South into Hornsilver grows faster. Autos and wagons keeping road out from Goldfield in a warm condition. The rush to Hornsilver, 30 miles to the south, apparently has only fairly started. Yesterday no less than five automobiles left here for the new silver camp, and many wagons went down, loaded with all kinds of material, as well as foodstuff. Of those who went in autos and returned last night, there was not one was heard to say a bad word about this district and, on the other hand, if some of the stories or the enthusiasts are true, there are more good things in the camp than have yet been developed in any of the districts that have come to the front in the past few years in the state. The high grade shoot at the 200 level on the Great Western Gold Mining and Milling company may or may not have been entered. None of the tourists from Goldfield were taken down for an inspection of the mine, as a rule has been adopted, for the present at least, not to allow anyone below. The small hoist has all that it can do to lift the ore and waste and rock, and if one was allowed to go down there would be twenty others to claim the same privilege, which would mean that no work in the shape of ore production and development could be done on the day shift. All the visitors are invited to help themselves to what ore they want to carry away with tem, as it is dumped into the bins, and some very rich specimens of horn silver ore were brought back by the visitors yesterday. The tenth carload of ore from the Great Western was settled for yesterday, and in this car, according to the sampler sheet, there were 33 tons and 825 pounds of ore, and it carried gold values at the rate of $8.60 a ton, and the balance was in silver, and the settlement was made at the rate of $136.00 a ton, as the balance of the values was in the white metal, which is now selling at a little better than 54 cents an ounce. (gold was $20 an ounce then so with gold at $1350 an ounce that would be almost $600 a ton today. If we take $8.60 from $136.00 we have $127.40 for 235 ounces of silver per ton. At $23.00 an ounce today for silver that is over $5400 a ton for silver. In today’s dollars they would have a combined total of $6,000 a ton. That’s extremely rich!!!!!!) Well unless you can think of something you want to me tell you it looks like I’m done for now. Our next newsletter will probably by after the first of the year. Look for a Christmas card exchange reminder after turkey day. Thank you for reading this. happy trails and sunsets Sheriff Stone and/or Red Dog Lil |