Gold Point Ghost Town, Gold Point Nevada

Gold Point Gleamings Newsletter




We’ll howdy everyone.

 I know what you’re thinking—it’s been a while since you heard from me.  Yeah, I know in the last newsletter I said I’d do another newsletter in June but someone left the corral gate open again where I had “time” locked up and under control but it got out again and I lost it for a few months.  Is this what happens when you’re retired??  Are we supposed to lose track of it??  Does anyone else have trouble keeping that corral gate locked up??

 We’ll let’s get into the business of getting you some information of what’s happened here since, WOW, May 14th!!

 Let’s start with the scattering of Chris’s ashes behind the Hornsilver cabin in the spring.  Somehow I overlooked telling you about that in the previous newsletter.  Could it be old timers disease??  Does anyone else have this problem also??

 I met Chris and her husband Sandy (Tom) (whose ashes were spread on top of one of the mountains South of Gold Point on the Gold Mountain range many years ago) back in 1979 after buying my first 3 lots in Gold Point in February of that year.  After buying those lots me, and any of my friends who wanted to join us, would come up from the Sacramento, Calif. area every three day holiday and we would explore the desert and mountains in all directions of Gold Point.   

On one of those cold weekends Sandy came over and brought a pot of coffee and introduced himself to us and brought us over to meet Chris.  He would tells us about places we should explore in the area and exchanged personal histories and such and became good friends.  In 1981, after the passing of Ora Mae Wiley, the Senators wife, they told us the Post Office, General Store and their home was for sale.  We drove into Tonopah to see one of her sons, Ken, and struck a deal and we now owned the first of many buildings we were destined to buy in Gold Point.  I then moved out of Sacramento and into the Senators home.  Because of being out of town almost all the time with my work the timing was perfect to make the move and eliminate obligations and expenses in Sacramento.  

We all have them to thank for what was to become my destiny, along with pardner Walt and Red Dog’s of preserving and restoring of a lot of buildings in Gold Point and allowing visitors to come and stay.

 In 1985 Chris kinda wanted to move to Fyffe, Alabama so they asked me if I wanted to buy their house, extra cabins and lots, etc.  Of course I said yes and the rest is kinda of history as they say.  I always stayed in contact with them.

 Chris and Sandy’s son Tom and his wife Gail brought her ashes out and spread them behind the Hornsilver cabin.  That is one of the cabins that they bought from Ora Mae and moved it to its present location.  They fixed it up for their friends and family to stay in and it was the first one we used for our current bed and breakfast cabins.

 Now some news on another passing of someone connected to Gold Point but never has been here.  The following is a partial from an email from Diana as you’ll read:

 Hello Herb and Red Dog Lil,

 I am sad to inform you that Sylvia Stearns who did all your gold point songs has passed away. She passed on July 27th.  I'm Diana her daughter and Paul’s widow (her son).--I took care of her at home and she passed away peacefully here. You folks meant so much to her and she was so glad people loved her music about "Goldpoint"

 Sylvia read about our efforts in Gold Point in 2000 from a news article written by Associated Press that went worldwide.  She asked if she could write a song about Gold Point.  We said yes and she did.  It was called Gold Point, Nevada (A Real Ghost Town).  She had some friends of her, from the East, play and sing it and record it.  It was fantastic how she was able to write a song about Gold Point without never being here and just reading about it from a newspaper.  She eventually wrote and had recorded 10 more songs about us and the West even one about Sheriff Stone (me) called—Sheriff Stone.  All proceeds are used to help maintain and restore our buildings here in Gold Point. 

If anyone is interested they can purchase a cd of her songs from the Gold Point Mercantile Store page on our website.

 Memorial Day weekend saw an increase of visitors over last year’s crowd.  Jim and Gloria, our bean and people counters, counted 145 happy campers here on Saturday.  We were all entertained this year by live music by Tim from California and his band Alkali Flat which is a WESTERN/HILL BILLY/ FOLK BAND.  Everyone liked them so much we have invited them back next year for hopefully 3 nights instead of just 2.   

Ghost Town Operations were back with their dinner with a ghost and their paranormal tours of the old haunted Post Office and plan on returning next year as well for our 4th annual.

 The old days of the chili cook-off are really missed of course but the new Memorial Day weekend activities has been a lot easier on our aging bodies and bones.

 We’ve added a couple of new things to our website.  Since it looks like the new Memorial Day weekend activities will continue we’ve added a poster to let everyone know that we are still open and doing things at that time. 

 On the “experience” page we’ve added another cabin available for overnight stay.  We’ve added the Senator’s home.  The description is--The old Senator Wiley home:  small house with two bedrooms.  King bed in main bedroom and full size bed in front bedroom.  Has a couple of electric oil heaters and a wood stove for heat.  Probably need someone familiar with wood stoves to stay here during the cold months.  Has running water in kitchen and bath.  Kitchen has large fridge, sink, stove (not for cooking your own food but for things like heating water for tea and such), coffee maker, micro wave and dining room table.  Bathroom has shower, tub, sink and toilet.  Has satellite tv in the living room.  $169 per night for first two people.  Each additional person is $20 per night.  Breakfast included.

 We are also ready to rent out the Gold Central cabin which Dennis has been fine tuning.  Everything is finished except the kitchen counter cabinet which is being made from some of the old original wood removed from the cabin during remodel by our friend John.  We hope to have it installed within in the next month or so.  After that we’ll start working on getting running water to it.  That might take some doing though.  We have to purchase and bury a tank and then build a structure to house the pump, hot water heater and pressure tank.  In 1908 this cabin was the Gold Central restaurant.  If anyone is interested in seeing pictures of this cabin inside and out now and back in 1908 just drop us an email.  We will be listing this on the website in the future after we get the kitchen cabinet installed and the final picture.  Until we get the water running we will not be installing the sink we will leave the counter top untouched.

 Every once in a while we do get some excitement here in Esmeralda County.  The following is an excerpt from The Goldfield Historical Society Newsletter - 3rd Quarter--

Also, you may have heard about the bomb scare in Goldfield on September 17th.  There really was a bomb, (actually two), and the Las Vegas bomb squad did explode it.  The newspaper reported that windows were blown out of the courthouse on the backside and surrounding buildings  but failed to mention that it also blew out some windows in the high school.  Unfortunately, those windows had just been replaced using donated funds.  Sometimes it seems like we’re going one step forward and two steps back.  This will no doubt become another project for us to take on in the future. 

If you’d like to read more about historical Goldfield and the Historical Society or even join please go to their website at

 Now a couple of trivia notes. 

 Monday I received my official notice from Social Security that my first check will be (if the treasury don’t run out of money) on January 8th.  I guess I’m officially old now.  I know my body is getting old and tired but my mind still thinks it’s only 20 years old.  Funny how the mind and body keep fighting each other.  Have to admit though that usually the body wins most arguments when I try to do too much.

 Red Dog has about 41 more working days until her retirement on December 16th the day before her 65th birthday.

 We “hope” to continue letting groups come out for at the most maybe 8 more years depending on our physical capabilities or limitations.  Probably have another retirement party on my 70th birthday.  After that we may just do overnight stays in cabins only which is a lot less work for us to earn a few extra dollars in our golden years.  So keep that in mind when thinking about coming out for an overnight stay or two.  You’ve only got about 8 years left to do so.

 Let’s not forget that the “day after Thanksgiving dinner” next month is only 7 weeks away if you want to make arrangements for it.  Lettuce know if you’d like a cabin, rv spot or just dinner.

 We’ve finally fixed the roof leak in the valley over the Post Office/General Store/Senator’s home.  Our friend John, from Little Rock California, came up a couple of weeks ago to do some work on his house and brought up a good worker, Steve, to help him.  He’s known his dad for a long time who’s a roofing contractor and Steve has worked on roofs for I think around 15 or so years. 

 Steve pulled up the old metal roof off the valley that was put on back in 1984.  He found no wood base under it.  It was just screwed down onto 2 x 4’s.  He laid down a plywood base then a fiberglass something or other material and then a three foot wide layer of torch down roofing material with the overlap in the center going out 3 feet in each direction.  Half on the flat of the valley and the other half up the roof incline.  Then he sealed around the chimney flue. 

Now we plan on going into the bedroom of the Senator’s home and replace a couple of sheets of wood on the ceiling which has gone really bad and seal and paint the walls above and around the wainscot.  Then we’ll go into the Post Office and fix the ceiling in there and clean things up and make a nice museum display out of the old office part of the Post Office.  We’ll have to also fix the old floor which has been damaged by leaking water over the years.

 I’ve got a couple of more things to talk about but they will wait until the next newsletter.  I don’t want this one to get too long. 

Now for another riveting  episode of “Tales from the not so Old West” but first I’m going to take a break for a while...


Ok, I’m back.  Thanks for waiting.

 Ok, again, the following is from the Hornsilver Herald May 23, 1908 Vol. 1 No. 3 

“Board of Trade Soon to be Organized Here.  The first public meeting of the citizens of Hornsilver was held Thursday evening in the new building of James Fowlie, adjoining the Montana bar.  J. Holmes was elected chairman and W. H. Wiley secretary (Harry Wiley went on to become Esmeralda County Commissioner in the forties and elected Nevada state Senator in 1946 and remained in that office  until he died in 1955)(we bought his home, including the attached Post Office and General Store his wife Ora Mae operated, back in1981.  Today we let people in the Post Office, which closed in 1968, and General store, we believed operated up until the mines closed around 1960, to look around.  You can also be a guest and stay in the Senators home today).  Mr. Holmes stated that the meeting was called to perfect some organization for the government of this rapidly growing town, to regulate local affairs, to prevent prospective evils, to give publicity to the advantages of the district and to form a medium for facilitating business between mine owners and investors….

 A.B. Gibson, of the Hornsilver Herald…recommended that a plan similar to that adopted at Rhyolite be effected here, and moved that a committee be appointed to arrange for the organization of a board of trade, the preparing of local ordinance, etc. and report at another meeting to be called.  Dr. Kitchen seconded the motion and it was carried.  As such committee, the chair appointed James Russell, James Fowlie, Richard Welsh, M.J. Ambler, A.B. Gibson, J.F. Bradley and J. Holmes…” 

“Many leasers are busy extracting high grade ore…”

 “Mackenzie plans to build a mill…” 

“Hornsilver holds record for installation of joists…” 

“Macmillan-Holleran Co. controls the Hornsilver.  The control of the Hornsilver Mining Company passed into the hands of the Macmillian-Holleran company of Goldfield Thursday.  At a meeting of the board of directors, a new directorate was elected as follows:  President, J.H. Macmillan; vice president, Charles Howard; secretary and treasurer, Charles O’Daniel;   

“Lee Garrett open phenomenal values…one and a half miles from town, in ground owned by him….” 

“Leasers will soon make Lime Point a shipper…”

 “Making trial shipment.  A trial shipment of three tons is being made by the Frances Lime Point Mining company, of which Dr. Frances E. Williams is president.  Dr. Dyos, secretary, secured a sample from the sacked ore, which returned values of $115 per ton, principally in gold….”

 “Free gold opened on Lime Point No. 2…Wm. Skinner and William Lyett, who have a bond and lease on the claim, have opened eight inches of quartz…at $75 per ton…”

 “Hornsilver will be represented at the Democratic state convention to be held June 1 at Carson City…Pat Burke was elected delegate, 65 votes being cast.  Mr. Burke is proprietor of the Great Western saloon, and is one of the prominent citizens of the embryonic city.” 

“Business increasing.  Mrs. Sarah Woods, proprietor of the Hornsilver hotel and restaurant, reports a steady increase in business, notwithstanding the fact that there are seven restaurants in town.  Tuesday noon she served 115 people, and Wednesday noon 125 people.  The rooming house addition is completed, so that visitors to Hornsilver may eat and sleep under the same roof.”

 “In Lieu of a Jail.  M.J. Spaulding, Hornsilver’s deputy sheriff, met his first victim this week.  The unruly citizen had been mixing with John Barleycorn, and needed detention.  In the absence of a jail, Mr. Spaulding handcuffed the citizen to the real wheel of a huge freight wagon, where the party remained until he was able to more thoroughly understand himself.”

 I’ve been trying to add to this for the last few days but have to many guests coming and going so I’m going to close now.

 I’ll do another newsletter in a little while and talk about more stuff. 

Thanks for reading. 

Happy Halloween. 

happy trails and sunsets

 Sheriff Stone and/or Red Dog Lil

The Music Of Gold Point

Special Events

Gold Point Gleamings Newsletter